The Story Behind “THE” Lamp

At Monument Roofing Systems we wanted to embrace the festive spirit and usher in the holiday season with a heartwarming tale that has become an integral part of our office décor.

Nestled in the CEO's office is an iconic lamp, a faithful replica of the cherished "leg lamp" from the classic movie, A Christmas Story. This whimsical fixture, with its fishnet-clad leg and high-heeled shoe, has been a perpetual source of joy for our staff and visitors, brightening the office with its unique charm. Today, the heartwarming story behind the iconic lamp that adorns the office of Monument's CEO, Slade Smith, will finally be revealed. 

Follow me on an adventure through time, back to the day “the story of the lamp” was finally revealed…

On a dreary and rainy afternoon, the Monument staff found themselves at the office, catching up on paperwork. The persistent drizzle outside appeared to drape a mild veil of boredom over the surroundings. The rhythmic patter of raindrops against the window added a touch of monotony to the atmosphere. As Andrea, Monument’s office manager, stepped into Mr. Smith’s office to ask him a question, she observed him gazing at the lamp with a fond smile. Overwhelmed by curiosity, she inquired of Mr. Smith what made this lamp so special.

Mr. Smith let out a lighthearted chuckle and set aside his work. "Well, Andrea, this lamp holds a special place in my heart. It is brimming with sentimental meaning. Would you believe this lamp was a gift from my two incredible children, Claire and Mac?" 

With a laugh of her own and a hint of surprise, Andrea responded, "Your children gave you this lamp? But why?"

Mr. Smith nodded. With a gleam of pride and affection in his eyes, he said, "You see, my kids stumbled upon this lamp during a wild treasure hunt they organized one afternoon. Legend has it that the lamp belonged to a forgotten theater in a neighboring town, and they discovered it hidden among dusty old props. It instantly reminded them of the good times we had together as they were growing up – of cozy evenings spent watching ‘A Christmas Story’ as a family. They knew that if they gave it to me, it would be a source of love and laughter for years to come."

Since the day I unwrapped it, it has fulfilled that promise. It has been a catalyst for countless conversations and hearty laughter throughout the years, and I couldn’t cherish a gift more than I do this lamp.

Andrea felt a sense of satisfaction for having inquired about the lamp. What a beautiful story on that dreary day. The narrative injected a ray of sunshine into the otherwise mundane day at the office.

And so, the story behind the lamp will always be a beloved tale at Monument Roofing Systems, reminding everyone that even the most peculiar items could hold profound sentimental value, and that the bonds of family are the most precious treasures in the world.

From the Monument Family to yours, we wish you a Very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.


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